So you're ready to start a podcast, AWESOME! There's just one problem.

You have no idea where to begin.

Everyone suggests different microphones, and you don't know the difference. You don't know how to take the idea in your head and turn it into a show others would want to tune into regularly to enjoy. Like many people, you have a general sense of the broad topic you want to talk about.

But broad and general is NOT the way to go as a podcaster. It's all about being niche. The more niche the topic, the more targeted the listeners. Soon, you will see your listeners form a close knit community, if you do it right.

And if you plan to monetize your podcast in some way, having a clear niche will set you apart and above the rest. However, building a community is how you keep your listeners coming back as both listeners AND customers.

PodNiche Academy teaches you the skills on how to build a podcast from scratch around a niche topic for a niche community. You will also learn strategies for monetizing, getting press, and creating products to complement your podcast.

"My co-hosts and I were early in figuring out our voice as a podcast when I reached out to Ariel to offer her insight and expertise. She offered us a thoroughly comprehensive consultation where she posed a variety of questions to guide us to shaping our lane instead of merely finding it. The tools she introduced in our consultation have fed our creative process to this day"

- Joshua L. Ishmon

Ariel Created a Niche Podcast About Food Trucks That Became a Hub for Entrepreneurs

Want Your Podcast to Stand Out? There's 3 Things You Must Do:

Find Your Niche

Not sure where to start? That's okay! Discover how to take a hobby or area of expertise and craft a lane that's just for you. We take you from having a broad topic to showing you how to get specific about your topic, your audience, and your expertise.

Build The Platform

Once you have your niche topic, we take you step by step through creating a podcast from scratch. We cover everything from equipment, hosting platforms, editing, and more.

Create Your Community

Here's the truth: The work doesn't end when you launch your podcast, you have to build a community for your listeners! I walk you through how to build relationships with your listeners.

Meet Ariel

Ariel D. Smith is an author, scholar and the founder of The Food Truck Scholar and the executive producer of its podcast under the same name. A researcher of African American entrepreneurs in the food truck industry, Ariel transformed a niche topic into a platform that has listeners in over 90 countries worldwide.

The Author of “Before You Launch A Food Truck: 8 Questions Every Aspiring Food Trucker Should Ask,” Ariel is dedicated to creating simple, yet impactful resources to help current and aspiring entrepreneurs succeed in the food truck industry. 

Named a top 15 Black culinary trailblazer in 2021 by TimeOut Magazine, her work has been featured and highlighted by national and international platforms such as Cuisine Noir Magazine, Rethink Food, Yahoo! News, Black News Channel, Whetstone Magazine,, the Coalition for Food and Health Equity, local news, and many others.